OPLObjectFile** LOC::C:\S3A\OPL\ENGLISH.OPL RESTMOD% PLAYNAM$ MODES$ AUTOVER$ AUTOLIE$ AUTOLED$ AUTOCLB$ CLUBNM$ Player 1 Player 2 Welcome to round hit the ball Unregistered Fairway register: Code: Dist. through air Hole Length: on the fairway in light rough in rough in long grass in sand trap... Updating file on Fairway 2.1 Setup Playing mode Player + Save game Game sound On,Off - for a birdie - for an eagle - Shot Exit Fairway 2.1 Save current game? Cancel Another game? Shot Length Views Preferences Settings Who's shot? + Overhead Ball Lies Club select Leaderboard Course card Quick reference Ball lies +@1 player practice,1 player in tournament,2 players in tournament + SUPADRIVE 1-WOOD 2-WOOD 3-WOOD 1 IRON 2 IRON 3 IRON 4 IRON 5 IRON 6 IRON 7 IRON 8 IRON 9 IRON PITCH W SAND W PUTTER BREAK SLICE SPIN- +SPIN DRIVE PITCH PUTTER Bunker Tree! Length Fairway 2.1 SCOREBOARD Pitch & Putt head to head v++ULT! RESULT! RESULT! RESULT! RESULT! RESULT +&Not available until window is cleared! Press any key to proceed Don't forget the MENU key!O Automatic overhead view OFF Automatic overhead view ON v+$Remember to click to TIME your shot! v+"Looks like that shot hit the tree! Automatic ball lie view OFF Automatic ball lie view ON Looks like you need some help! Announcements OFF Announcements ON v+ Using a chip shot onto the green v+#Stats not relevant in practice mode Stats not applicable here! Overswing! v+$Saving current game into FAIRWAY.SAV Restoring game from FAIRWAY.SAV Auto-Leaderboard Off Auto-Leaderboard On You are already registered! Auto Club-Select Off Auto Club-Select On No saved games are available! v+4Press R to restore a saved game or any other key ... Press a key and wait a moment! v+,Left, Right to Aim. Up, Down to change club. Checking finishing leaderboard Checking tournament leaderboard v+*FAIRWAY 2.1 Tournament leaderboard (Round Par +/- Holes Played Finishing positions Reading player stats file v+#Stats file for this player is empty Holes Played: Shots Played: Cf Par Total: Longest Drive: Best Round: Best Tournament Total: Best Finish: No. of Wins: Unable to open SAVE file No saved games available! Names cannot be blank! v+ Names cannot start with a space! You did it! Your name, will be added to the list on the trophy! Saving menu settings ... Restoring menu settings ... TEXT$ PATH$ NTITEMS% Picture files not found! +)One or both of the needed .PIC files were not found in your directory!K Please correct this situation. TEXT$ PATH$ NTITEMS% Sound files not found! +/All or some of the WVE sound effects files were not found in your or \WVE\ directory!K +/Please correct this situation. In the meantime, +)FAIRWAY will continue without any sound!! TEXT$ NTITEMS% Language support not available +#Your language is not yet supported! Continuing in english ... TEXT$ PLAYNAM$ NTITEMS% +)I have to inform you that you have missed the cut level (O ) for the next round.K +*Please stay in the clubhouse as our guest, ++put your feet up and have one on the house! TEXT$ NTITEMS% FAIRWAY v2.1 +&Tampering with the FAIRWAY 2.1 program +%has been detected! Please report back +(to the author, Steve Litchfield, as soon +'as possible, detailing how you obtained these program modules! TEXT$ NTITEMS% Fairway 2.1 registration: +(Thankyou for registering, your name will +.be displayed each time FAIRWAY 2.1 is started. TEXT$ NTITEMS% Fairway 2.1 registration: +&Unfortunately your attempt to register +*failed! Did you type the code in properly? TEXT$ NTITEMS% Unregistered copy! +5This is shareware, not free software! If you continue +;to play FAIRWAY 2.1 you MUST register. Registration removes +3this screen and is as simple as typing in a special +6key code. No need to re-install! To register, send +:(or 6 for FAIRWAY v1.0 reg. users) or cash in $/ff/DM to: +;S.Litchfield, 8 Grove Farm, Mytchett, Surrey GU16 6AQ U.K. TEXT$ NTITEMS% Quick Reference - keys Menu , Help keys - usual! Left, Right arrows - aim shot Up, Down arrows - change club +&Space, Enter, Tab or Delete - 3-clicks +(Start swing <> Select power <> Time shot +)Watch out for Overswing (>100% power) ... TEXT$ PLAYNAM$ CURPLAY% NTITEMS% has hit the ball out of bounds! will be docked a shot and theK +'ball returned to where it was hit from! TEXT$ PLAYNAM$ CURPLAY% NTITEMS% scored an albatross! Way to go! TEXT$ PLAYNAM$ CURPLAY% NTITEMS% scored an eagle! Well done! TEXT$ PLAYNAM$ CURPLAY% NTITEMS% scored a birdie! Well done! TEXT$ PLAYNAM$ CURPLAY% NTITEMS% made par. Well holed! TEXT$ PLAYNAM$ CURPLAY% NTITEMS% made a bogey! TEXT$ PLAYNAM$ CURPLAY% NTITEMS% took O ! Hard luck!K TEXT$ NTITEMS% +&You can't change the playing mode now! ++You have to select which game mode you want +)at the beginning of a game, it's too late ++to change your mind now! A change now would +(confuse your course card and statistics! Help: ** Fairway 2.1 **( How do I get started?( Successful hitting( Tournaments and modes( Information screens( Game Management( dlhelp Help: How do I get started?( How to use help menus( Golf on the Series 3( Quick Reference Screen( Hitting the ball( FAIRWAY's origins( dlhelp1 Help: how to use help menus( +%The help screens are nested two deep,O +#that is to say, you are now readingO +%a screen that you made two selectionsO +%to get to. In all, there are about 30O screens to view!O Help: Golf on the Series 3( +$The game of golf is portrayed on theO +)'small screen' in much the same way as itO +!usually appears on a PC or amiga,O +&with a '3D' viewpoint and a power bar.O +(The main selling point of FAIRWAY 2.1 isO +%that you can play sitting on a train!O Help: Quick Reference screen( +$For expert computer golfers, all youO +#probably need to get going is shownO +$on the Quick Reference Screen, whichO +!details all the key presses used.O +"To display this at any point, typeO Psion-QO Help: Hitting the ball (I)( +)The method of taking a shot is similar toO +'that of other computer golf games. LookO +(first at the distance from your positionO +(to the pin, then at the average distanceO +(your current club will give you when hitO +4at full power. O Help: Hitting the ball (II)( +%This 'average distance' (i.e no wind,O +$perfect lie and no hook or slice) isO +#shown at the left hand edge of the O +&'Power Bar'. You can then guess at theO +!fraction of the power bar maximumO ++you will need to use. O Help: Hitting the ball (III)( +#Before taking your shot, notice theO +&cross-hairs and use the left and rightO +%arrow keys to aim your shot, allowingO +#for the prevailing wind. Poise yourO +&finger over one of the action keys andO +'prepare to take your shot. O Help: Hitting the ball (IV)( +&Fairway 2.1 uses the '3-clicks' methodO +*of taking a shot. The action key is tappedO +'once to start your swing, a second timeO +'to determine power and a third time to O +&time the shot, i.e. to determine hook,O +5slice or spin. O Help: Hitting the ball (V)( +(Notice carefully the two timing lines onO +$the power bar. The left mark denotesO +$100% power, and exceeding this givesO +%you extra distance but magnifies yourO +)timing error. The right hand line denotesO +'where to stop the bar to time your shotO Help: FAIRWAY's origins( +#FAIRWAY developed from the originalO +&PITCH & PUTT game, which simulated fewO +!of the features of the real golf.O +'FAIRWAY v2.1 (3a only) has taken aroundO + 300 man-hours of work beyond theO original Pitch & Putt game.O Help: Successful hitting( Choosing Clubs( Ball lies( Screen Cues( Timing( Overswing( dlhelp2 Help: Choosing clubs (I)( +1FAIRWAY 2.1 allows use of the full range of clubsO +.in fact, more than you would really be able toO +.carry! By default, the game will automaticallyO +.select what it thinks is the best club for theO +,distance, *not* allowing for the ball lie orO +,wind speed or direction etc, O Help: Choosing clubs (II)( +"so if you're in the rough, it's upO +!to your skill and judgement as toO +)which club you use! Note that FAIRWAY 2.1O +*won't allow you to use a very long-hittingO +%club if you're in a bad lie, i.e. youO +'can't use a 1-iron in a bunker! O Help: Choosing clubs (III)( +)You can change the selection as you wish,O +%to allow for wind, slope, any hook orO slice, ball lie and so on. O +'Change clubs with the UP and DOWN arrowO +)keys, the power bar will show the currentO +*selection, with the club's distance ratingO Help: Ball lies( +(If your ball is on the fairway or green,O +%then you can be sure of a good 'lie'.O +*If your ball is in the light rough, rough,O +&long grass or sand, then be aware thatO +'your shot will not go as far as normal,O to varying degrees.O Help: Screen cues( +%Things to watch for when playing yourO +&shot include the distance remaining toO +&the hole (shown as 'Rm'), the distanceO + rating of your current club, theO +"position of the bunkers and trees,O +!and the wind direction and speed.O Help: Timing( +!To simulate the skill involved inO +"timing the hitting of a golf ball,O +$the player has to 'time' the shot byO +#tapping the action key as the powerO +%bar crosses the timing 'line'. ErrorsO +#either way result in hook or slice.O Help: Overswing( +(Note the solid bar near the left edge ofO +%the power bar. Stopping the power barO +*exactly ON this line gives you 100% power.O +(Stopping the bar to the left of the lineO +&gives 'overswing', i.e. more than 100%O +'power, but timing errors get magnified!O Help: Tournaments etc( Practice mode( 1 player mode( 2 player mode( Other players( dlhelp3 Help: Practice mode( +%In this mode, you can play a round ofO +$golf with no pressure to perform! NoO +"record is kept of your scores, andO +!there are no computer players forO +!you to compete against. Have fun!O Help: 1 Player mode( +$Here you can pit your skills againstO +#20 (invisible!) computer-controlledO +"players, who are playing the same O +"course as you. You will see their O scores as they happen on the O +"tournament leaderboard. Good luck!O Help: 2 Player mode( Here you and a friend can playO +!together against 20 other playersO +!(all controlled by the Series 3).O +"You will see their scores as they O +%happen on the tournament leaderboard.O The ultimate in competition!!O Help: Other Players( +#There are 20 other players in here,O +'all with rather suspicious-sounding (!)O +*names, and playing the same course as you.O +,They will all be ahead of you on the course,O +$as the star player, you're on last!!O Help: Information screens( Screen stats( Course card( Leaderboard( Player stats( dlhelp4 Help: Screen stats( +(The statistics window on the left of theO +%screen shows at all times the currentO +"hole, its distance and par rating,O +&and the remaining distance to the pin.O Help: Course card( +(The course card shows the scores for theO +('human' player(s) for the current round.O +(For each hole, the par and player scoresO +)are listed, along with the 'out' and 'in'O +*totals, for the serious golf statistician.O Help: Leaderboard( +%The Leaderboard shows at a glance theO +(state of play in a tournament by listingO +(the players by their current par rating,O +$i.e. -4 (4 under par) is better thanO +*+0 (level par). The leaderboard also showsO +&how many holes each golfer has played.O Help: Player Stats( +%A file is kept for each player, namedO +)according to the first 8 letters of theirO +%name, and this is updated after everyO +&hole, round or tournament. Choosing toO +$view the Player Stats will show the O +&contents of this special file. O Help: Player Stats( +$The player's performance against parO +$over his/her 'career' can be seen byO ++comparing the total par of all holes playedO +&with the no. of shots taken. The otherO +)statistics are self explanatory, e.g. TheO +*longest drive, best tournament finish etc.O Help: Game Management( Saving your game( Restoring your game( About FAIRWAY 2.1( Psion 3 and 3a shareware( dlhelp5 Help: Saving your game( +!The Series 3 purist will say thatO +"there's no need to save your game,O +"as the multitasking ability of theO +#computer allows you to break off atO + any time and do something else. O +!However, if you're short O Help: Saving your game( + on memory or disk space, you mayO +(want to release FAIRWAY 2.1 from memory.O +'In this case, FAIRWAY 2.1 allows you toO +%save your game to a small file in theO +%\OPD directory of your internal disk,O for later restoration.O Help: Restoring a game( +$The only place where this is allowedO is from the startup screen, toO +#discourage mis-use of this feature!O +!Press R on this screen to restoreO a previously saved game.O Help: About FAIRWAY 2.1( Written by Steve Litchfield,O +)as the successor to the Games Pack PITCH.O ++FAIRWAY 1.0 is still available as sharewareO +)for those who haven't got access to a 3a.O +/FAIRWAY 2.1 is released as shareware for the 3aO Help: About FAIRWAY 2.1( To contact Steve LitchfieldO +(with comments about this game, the 3-LibO +&library or to suggest future projects,O +*mail me at slitchfield@cix.compulink.co.ukO or write to: O Help: About FAIRWAY 2.1( Steve Litchfield,O 3-LibO 8 Grove Farm,O + Mytchett,O SurreyO GU16 6AQO United KingdomO Help: About FAIRWAY 2.1( +!If you have Psion-owning friends,O +(why not give FAIRWAY 2.1 to them to try?O ++(this is of course the point of shareware!)O +$Of course you mustn't give them yourO +$special code or the FAIRWAY.REG fileO +"(if you've registered), as this isO +&unique to you, containing *your* name!O Help: Psion 3 shareware( +8Steve Litchfield also runs 3-Lib, the only internationalO +5and comprehensive Psion Series 3/3a public domain andO +5shareware library, distributing on disk and SSD, withO +7new programs regularly from all over the world! Why notO +3send off a Self Addressed Envelope for a catalogue?O (Include stamp if in UK)O DLHELP54 TEXT$ LSPECIF< ONEWORD TBLOCK1 TBLOCK2 TBLOCK3 TBLOCK4? TBLOCK5I TBLOCK6_ TBLOCK7 TBLOCK8 TBLOCK9} TBLOCK10 TBLOCK11 TBLOCK12 TBLOCK13j TBLOCK14 TBLOCK15> TBLOCK16 TBLOCK17 PROCHE DLHELP1D DLHELP11H DLHELP12T DLHELP13 DLHELP14 DLHELP15p( DLHELP2 DLHELP21}* DLHELP22 DLHELP23 DLHELP24 1 DLHELP25?2 DLHELP3 DLHELP31Y4 DLHELP32h5 DLHELP33 DLHELP34 DLHELP4 DLHELP41 DLHELP42 DLHELP43 DLHELP44!= DLHELP5 DLHELP51 DLHELP52 DLHELP53 DLHELP54TH PROCF